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Four hyperglycemia-related mechanisms may promote diabetic atherosclerosis:

1. The polyol pathway (green)

 2. formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE, blue)

 3. activation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms (orange)

4. the 12/15-lipoxyenase pathway (pink) and 5. the hexosamine pathway (yellow).

ทั้ง4กลไกส่งผลต่อการเพิ่ม reactive oxygen species (ROS) และ diabetic atherosclerosis 

Colors of boxes in arrows, cells and ECM indicate relevant pathway.

12/15-LO = 12-/15-Lipoxygenase, AR = aldose reductase, EC = endothelial cell, ECM = extracellular matrix, Fruc = fructose, GFAT = glutamine-fructose-6-phopshate amidotransferase, Glc = glucose, Mo = monocyte, Mϕ = macrophage, RAGE = receptor for advanced glycation end products, SDH = sorbitol dehydroganse, VSMC = vascular smooth muscle cell, other abbreviations are explained in the text.




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